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Welcome to my Blog Again

Writer's picture: Elsie KingElsie King

Being new to blogging I don't really know what I'm doing. I am starting a new blog as I lost or deleted my previous blog posts, quite by accident. However they have magically reappeared in my website so someone at WIX may have come to the rescue. So I may be repeating myself. Just to be sure I will proceed.

Hello. I'm writing a blog to introduce myself as a author and artist and hope you will enjoy my musings, research and ideas. I will be adding information about forthcoming books and associated events and art exhibitions closer to the release dates. So stay tuned.

I will endeavour to blog every two weeks and also add examples of my art on the My Gallery page on the opposite week so there will be regular updates on the website.

Writing historical dramas with a element of romance, my focus is on the history. I like to put my characters in difficult situations that occur due to historic events, attitudes and beliefs of the era. I'm currently writing about the Regency era, as this was a times of rapid social and economic changes, the rise of the middle classes and the end of both the feudal system and slavery. The polite manners and fabulous fashions also add to the fun. I have completed two novels and I'm writing the third, all set in the early decades of the 1800s. My characters also struggle with their emotions and health but win out over social prejudices and difficult family relationships to achieve love and happy endings.

My next project will be set in Australia during the gold rush and will explore the history of this remarkable time.

It is my intention to publish my first two books this year. One is currently with a traditional publisher being assessed and the second is in a competition. Both these books have been shortlisted in the Emerald competition ran by Romance Writers of Australia. I have also a short story accepted for the Sweet Treats anthology to be published around mid year.

Please feel free to leave any helpful comments and constructive critiques about this web site using my contact form.

Cheers Elsie King © 2023

Photo L.C.Wong ©2023


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All art works and written works on this website are the original work of Elsie King or L.C.Wong. 
Copyright © 2024
Permission is required for any use of original material. 
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