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A time to review the year of 2023

Writer: Elsie KingElsie King

I created my website and started writing blogs a year ago and now its time to review the year. It has been a busy time with two art exhibitions, the release of my first self published novel and the publication of a short story in a Romance Writers of Australia anthology. I have written 20 blogs which have got 243 post reviews, 84 visitors and 12 likes/comments. There is room for improvement.

It has been a year of sharing and enjoying the creative process with friends in my critique group, Create/Write and with my fellow self publishing friends in Indie-Scriptorium. I attended the Romance Writers of Australia conference in August in Sydney and caught up with fellow writers. I have also attended some South Australian events for South Australian RWA members. Marion Art Group remains a great gathering of artists and friends and provides ongoing inspiration.

My greatest pleasure was the feedback I've been getting from readers of my book A Suitable Heir. The joy of having readers say 'I loved it' is all I really wanted from my writing career and I hope the next book gives some pleasure to readers too. I sold about fifty novels and gave several away as gifts. Next year I will be learning to market my books.

During the year I sold three botanically inspired paintings and some printed cards through the Mockingbird Lounge at Glenelg. I enjoy creating art and give much of my work to family and friends but it a great pleasure when someone buys your work just because they like it.

Like in any year there has been some downsides. My health has been up and down and made it difficult to be consistent in my creative life. I wrote a sexy short story and the feedback indicated it wasn't my forte. I'm still ploughing through the second draft of my third novel. This book is about slavery and the British Colonies of the West Indies. It's meant to be a romance but it's turning into a historical novel instead. I will persist as the topic is important to me and the romantic element may disappear altogether. It was a sad time in history.

So, what are my resolutions for 2024?

  • I will publish my second novel A Suitable Bride

  • To finish the first draft of my historical novel about slavery

  • Have another go at a sexy short romantic story learning from the feedback from RWA judges.

  • I will change my subject matter and try painting some wildlife and experiment with landscapes both abstract and realistic.

  • To learn more about using a blog/website for marketing

  • Travel overseas

There I have written my resolutions for the world to see. Hopefully that will spur me on to achieve some of them.

Wish me luck, Cheers

Elsie King ©2024

Photo of Rainbow Valley N.T. by L.C.Wong ©2024



All art works and written works on this website are the original work of Elsie King or L.C.Wong. 
Copyright © 2024
Permission is required for any use of original material. 
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